Mission statement

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Welcome to the

Blue Angels Association

The Blue Angels flew their first air show in Jacksonville, Florida on the 15th of June, 1946. We are a very unique group who were fortunate to be selected to represent Naval Aviation and our country.

Our mission is to promote the general welfare of the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, “The Blue Angels”, and its predecessor organization, The United States Navy Flight Demonstration Team. To preserve and maintain the high standards, customs and traditions of these organizations, and the members and former members thereof. To support the Blue Angels Foundation and its goals.

The BAA is a nonprofit corporation consisting of former members of the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, and is not part of the United States Navy. No endorsement, express or implied, of the BAA or its activities is made by the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, or the United States Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron. Use of the Blue Angels crest is used with the express permission of the United States Navy.